Changing Employment Pattern and Agricultural Distress in Rural Areas of Jammu and Kashmir


  • Waqas Farooq Kuttay Ph. D at Department of Political Science, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi



Employment Pattern, Occupational Structure, Jammu and Kashmir, Agricultural Distress, Push Theory, Pull Theory.


A study of employment pattern in a society reflects the economic profi le of its people. It is an indicator of the economic diff erentiation of people in an area. In a traditional agrarian society, the population though engaged in agriculture was largely classified as landowners or as landless labour with a small proportion engaged in artisanal activities. Land as an asset provided power and authority in this context. In a capitalist society, the occupational diversification moves from agriculture to industry and finally to the services sector. The development of the industrial sector was historically seen as advancement for the rural population with the predominance of better employment opportunities as industrial workers. In the case of developing countries, there has been growth in services sector rather than employment in industries. This growth in employment in favor of services is skewed as most of the people are employed in the unorganised sector. This paper will study the movement of labour out of agriculture to other sectors of economy in rural areas of Jammu and Kashmir. It will try to analyse the direction and reason for movement of this labour. This will be preceded with a brief theoretical discussion on changes in employment patterns in rural areas.


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How to Cite

Kuttay, W. F. (2019). Changing Employment Pattern and Agricultural Distress in Rural Areas of Jammu and Kashmir. Journal of Rural Development, 38(4), 555–579.



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